On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 11:57 -0500, Federico Lucifredi wrote:

> Which is a much better name for it. Anyhow, looking at the actual issue
> at hand - the module. In my explorations of it, I have found that it
> leves a bit to be desired in terms of performance -- generating the 65k
> striungs possible in the (a b c d) alphabeth takes 10 minutes,
> generating the 1'000'000 strings possible in ( a b c d e) takes 9 hours.
> Obviously, something is going on.

CORRECTION: the alphabet used was (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f) in
the numbers above, and the loops did include substrings (that is,
generating length 4 I would also generate lengths 3 2 and 1), which
means the actual total of generated strings is higher than the
charset^picks numbers I mentioned in the quote.

the new code yields the 65k 4-length strings in (0 1.. e f) in 1.2
seconds and the 1'000'000 5-length ones over the same alphabet in 20.3
sec-- not bad as a speedup over Math::Combinatorics -- then again, I am
not generating substrings as I was in the old case.


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