OK, so I now have the graph being built and being displayed in my html
through an image tag.
I'm still trying out GD::Graph printing through an IMG tag calling my script
for now.  I will try other methods next.
However, I'm having some difficulty putting dynamic data into the plots.
For example.  Say I read in my parameters handed into my graph-building
script and produce these variables:

# Width of graph
my $width = $param{'width'};
# height of graph
my $height = $param{'height'};
# Y Axis max value
my $yMax = $param{'yMax'};
# Now let's setup the data for the graph:
my @data = (    ["1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th", "8th", "9th"]
# all datasets separated by ::
my $ds=1;  # dataset counter
# go through each dataset one at a time.
foreach my $dataset(split(/::/, $param{'x'})) {
    my $i=0;
    # Go through each item in the dataset
    foreach my $num (split(/,/, $dataset)) {
        $data[$ds][$i++] = $num;

For the sake of making things easier, let's say that each dataset has
exactly 10 integers separated by commas, and there are 2 datasets.  So
$param{'x'} would look something like this:

I get a broken image when I try to execute this (with the rest of the code
listed below).  If I manually setup @data it works fine.  But if I try to us
the data sent to the script, then it doesn't work.
I have tested @data to make sure that my info is being stored; I simply do a
print statment and take a look at specific spots in @data, like
$data[1][4].  It it DOES print out the correct value '5'.
I've tried several methods, but for some reason I can't seem to put the data
in correctly.
I know I must be doing something silly and small.
Any ideas?

P.S.  Ann, you're probably right that at some point I will need to hand some
of this information to my script differently, as I am likely to surpass the
2048 character limit.  But for now I'm just doing tiny tests :)

my $graph = GD::Graph::lines->new($width, $height);

    x_label           => $param{'xLabel'},
    y_label           => $param{'yLabel'},
    title             => $param{'title'},
    # Show the grid
    long_ticks  => 0,
    # Show values on top of each bar
    show_values => 1,
    # Draw datasets in 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted' and 'dotted-dashed' lines
    line_types  => [1, 2, 3, 4],
    # Set the thickness of line
    line_width  => 1,
    # Setting the max Y value
    y_max_value       => $yMax,
    # Setting the number of values to show on Y axis
    y_tick_number     => $yMax,
    # skip every __ values to display on Y axis
    y_label_skip      => 1,
    dclrs       => ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan']
  ) or die $graph->error;

my $format = $graph->export_format;
print header("image/$format");
binmode STDOUT;
print $graph->plot([EMAIL PROTECTED])->$format();

On 12/6/05, Ricker, William <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *>  *Does anyone who has/does use GD::Graph know if there's an easy way
> to
> *> *embed the output graphs into HTML.
> *> *Basically I'd like to be able to print a bunch of HTML, then the
> graph,
> *> *then some more HTML.
> [WDR]  The basic techniques are to either
> (a) <img href="../graphs/123456789.png">
> Generate the graph to a 2nd file named with a random number (for security)
> or a serial number (if no security needed)
>         my $thisgraph; # uniq name
>         $this_graph = sprintf "%s/%d.png", $graphdir, rand($bignumber)
>             while -r $thisgraph;
>         print qq{<img href="$this_graph" size="$normal_size">};
>         put_to_file($gd->png(), $this_graph);
>     where put_to_file is something like (from GD::Image png method notes)
>      sub put_to_file {
>          my ($data, $fn)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
>                     my $fh;
>          open $fh, "< $fh" or die;
>          binmode $fh;
>          print $fh $data or die;
>          close $fh or die;
>       }
> (b) <img
> href="/scripts/imagemaker?x=17&y=42&title=%22Foo%20Bar%22&xname=X&yname=Y">
> Put the code that decides what to do from the Request in a module, and
> call it from both the CGI or action module that generates the HTML page
> (which generates the <img> link) and the CGI or action module that generates
> the dynamic graphic (in response to the <img> link).  Some amount of setup
> work (varies with app) would have to be redone or saved in DB or some other
> place (with unique names!), but at least the code is reused in a module.  In
> this case, you put all the request parameters that the graph module needs on
> the IMG URI, or copy all the request parms to be safe if you don't know;
> since it's a module, it should know. One module, one script could do both
> Page and Image requests, with a arg difference (or HTTP context wanting
> text/html or image/*?) determining which to generate.
> A has efficiency advantages in that any shared setup work for the page and
> the graphic is done once.
>  B allows someone to statically deep link or bookmark an image.
> B has efficiency advantages if page is likely to be fetched by Lynx or
> WWW::Mechanize or spiders who will never fetch the image.
> B has efficiency advantages if the pages will be fetched through Akamai or
> client proxies, and multiple users may request the same image -- so the
> image will be cached outside your server -- dont' recreate it if you don't
> have to; this doesn't apply if everyone is local or every request is
> unique.
> etc ...
> Bill n1vux
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