  google for Varargs, and you will have your answer :)

  If memory serves me right, the Gnu C library manual (which you should
own, but is available in postscript at has a nice chapter on

 best -f

On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 11:04 -0500, Greg London wrote:
> Off topic.
> Please reply offlist to
> email at greglondon dot com
> Sorry, but I need to get this working by Monday morning,
> and I'm out of people to ask.
> I need to write a function in C that wraps printf,
> passing printf all the parameters that got passed
> into the wrapper.
> In perl, it would look something like this:
> sub wrapper {
>    # preprocessing
>    print ( @_ );
>    # post processing
> }
> I cannot figure out how to do this in C.
> I've talked to a couple of coworkers and none
> of them knew how to do it, but none of them
> would say definitely that it was impossible
> to do, they just didn't know how to do it.
> Please reply offlist to
> email at greglondon dot com
> I'll buy pizza for one of the next monger meetings.
> Greg
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