On  2 Oct 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 2, 2006, at 5:56 PM, Greg London wrote:
>> I believe I was informed that OLE was the
>> only way to do this. Or maybe I was drunk.
> Definitely not true.  In fact, Spreadsheet::{Read,Write}Excel run  
> just fine on Linux.

While this is true, they are limited compared to OLE into Excel
itself.  Basic data will work, but questions about more complex usage
come up all the time in comp.lang.perl.misc and in my mailbox (I wrote
a brief article on the various ways to use Excel from Perl a while
ago).  I would recommend sticking with what works.

The suggestion to copy the spreadsheet file off the network drive,
modify it, then copy it back is the cleanest solution given the
problem's constraints.

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