On Jul 13, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Tom Metro wrote:

> Personally, I was annoyed by one of the pages that required me to rank
> my interest in technologies that I may not have heard of. It didn't
> permit leaving the row blank, and there was no "don't know" column.
> Saying you have no interest in something you haven't heard of is  
> not the
> correct answer.

I had to do one a little like that recently, being asked to rank 10  
current used or potentially useful diagnostic software tools.

The comparison was difficult though, because, for example, one of the  
options was for the sort of thing that very seldom comes up to begin  
with, but when it does come up, it's exactly the right tool for the  
job, and so indispensable in that situation. Another question cited  
the command line -- which is of course a broad, general class of  
useful tools in lots of contexts -- but then cited as examples a  
couple of diagnostics that are nearly useless in all contexts, like  
"uptime", while leaving out others like, say, "fsck" or "ping".

Oh well, what can you do...

Chris Devers
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