David Cantrell wrote:
 > xterms, search.cpan.org, and an editor are all the IDE I need*.
 > They're all I *want*.

Charlton Wilbur wrote:
> This is all true, but I'd say, rather than condemning IDEs, that the  
> quality of the end result is independent of the quality of the tools,  
> but the overall pain is likely to be less with better tools.

I agree with David -- I think the entire Perl ecosystem has been 
structured in such a way that the shell + editor + cpan approach just 
fits perfectly.  I've never felt anything really "painful" in Perl 
development, certainly nothing an IDE would fix.  With Java however I 
will slowly go insane trying to edit, build and manage even a fairly 
small project with those simple tools.  A good Java IDE (read: Eclipse) 
certainly mitigates a lot of that insanity.

Also, on print vs debugger in perl: I use a little trick to get "visual 
breakpoint" behavior from any editor.  Just set $DB::single=1 wherever 
you want a breakpoint (you still have to run with perl -d of course). 
You can even do it conditionally: $DB::single=1 if $foo >= 42;

  -- Jeremy
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