Alex Brelsfoard wrote:

> sub main {
>       my $catalog_timestamp;

>               my $catalog_settings = XML::Twig->new(
>                   twig_handlers => {
>                       'Item'    => \&get_catalog_field_names,
>                       'Catalog' => \&get_catalog_timestamp,
>                   }
>               );
> sub get_catalog_timestamp {
>       my ($twig, $elt) = @_;
>       # get the PublishTimeStamp attribute
>       $catalog_timestamp = $elt->att('PublishTimestamp');
>       $twig->purge();
> }
 However I get an error from this.
> "Global symbol "$catalog_timestamp" requires explicit package name"
> The error references the "$catalog_timestamp =
> $elt->att('PublishTimestamp');" line.

As per the error message ;--) $catalog_timestamp is in scope in the main
sub, but not in the rest of the file.

2 options: make it global to the file by declaring it outside of the
main sub, or (cleaner), pass it to the handler via a closure:

my $catalog_settings= XML::Twig->new(
   twig_handlers => {
    'Item' => sub { get_catalog_field_names( @_, $catalog_timestamp); }

sub get_catalog_timestamp {
    my ($twig, $elt, $catalog_timestamp) = @_;

Does this help?

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