Created by Ariel Brosh (SCHOP) a few years before JSON (in 2000),
Data::JavaScript might be better named Data::Dumper::JavaScript.
I created Data::JavaScript::LiteObject a few months later as a
liter exporter for special forms of data. Ariel passed away in
early 2003, and I took on the maintenance role of D:JS with the
hope of unifying the two modules.

I have since been somewhat remiss in my custodial duties, having
made one real (1.08) and and one development (1_11) release, all
whilst the need for such increased as AJAX rose to prominence.
Recognizing this, I offered up commit bits on use Perl in March
2007, to deafening silence; the offer still stands *wink wink*
Just recently, the package was prepared for inclusion in Debian.

* The string </script> should not be allowed in a javascript string

* Stupid testers are checking development releases...
  (because $VERSION is a decimal?)
  t/3 (Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 0)
    Parse errors: Tests out of sequence.  Found (5) but expected (4)

* Refactor!

* Self export

* Filter the output of some other dumping tool, so as to solve some
  dumping issues such as cyclic references? This may be impractical,
  or add weight and clumsiness (the latter being what the exercise
  is meant to solve)

* Allow as much sane user-control as possible e.g; version and verbosity
  (which are overlapping dimensions) of JS output (literals, etc.), but
  also try to pick the best option automagically where possible.

* Slurp D::JS::LO, and functionality of similar modules into D::JS

* Consider Wessels pretty printing options?

* See Also

Basically, anything goes other tahn recompiling kernels and recreating JSON
Free map of local environmental resources:
MOTD on Pungenday, the 4th of Bureaucracy, in the YOLD 3174:
Tongue tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I.

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