On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 12:01 AM, Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>>> "BR" == Bill Ricker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  BR> Next TECH MEETING is December 9, 2008, 7:15  E51-376
>  BR> 2nd Tuesday is as early  after Thanksgiving as can be, or close to.
>  BR> Table Driven Testing - Uri   (As seen in Sort::Maker )
>   BR> Slides almost ready, Uri?
> nope. and i haven't even started on them. i dunno if i can do a talk by
> next tuesday. the best i can offer is to show new features and code in
> modules such as file::slurp (prepend_file, table driven tests, etc.) and
> template::simple (compiled templates being added and that may work by
> then).
> things have just been too crazy in other areas to do as much as i
> expected to make a proper talk. if someone wants to take over, i am fine
> with that. otherwise i can muddle through with the above (and maybe
> other things too).
> uri

Hi there. Speaking as someone who cannot be at the Dec. 9 meeting, and who
was looking forward to Uri's table driven testing talk, I think it would be
great if someone else could speak at the next meeting and have Uri give his
talk in January.

my 2 cents,


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