On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 17:30 -0500, Federico Lucifredi wrote:
> like it is hanging just because it is looking for an ftp client to use
> to download the metadata. Once I fix that, we shall see what the next
> hang is...

Maybe it's not using passive ftp for some reason.  Try:

  FTP_PASSIVE=1 perl -MCPAN ...

Or maybe it is, and active would actually work better:

  FTP_PASSIVE=0 perl -MCPAN ...

Or, the cpan mirror it's trying to contact might be down or unreachable
for you.  From the Mybook, what happens if you do:

  nc ftp.yourcpanmirror.com 21

(telnet will do if you don't have nc installed)

 -- Jeremy

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