On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Uri Guttman <u...@stemsystems.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "RW" == Ricker, William <william.ric...@fmr.com> writes:
>  RW> We got this thru the Leaders' lists. That's a busy weekend. Maybe Uri,
>  RW> Ron and I will draw straws ...
> i would prefer to draw a gallon of blood! not much chance i would step
> foot on any property with redmond's curse on it. i still harbor a
> personal grudge from them intentionally lying to our face when i was in
> a startup way back. i can spew the ugly details if anyone dares to hear
> them.

All they did was intentionally lie to you?  You were lucky.  It could
have been *much* worse.

When my friend Ed Curry called them on their illegally claiming that
NT 4.0 was C2 certified so they could sell it to government
departments that by law required that certification, their response
was to convince his clients to take their business elsewhere, then
after his company folded and he found a new job they called up his new
boss before he started and asked how much they needed to pay to get
him fired before he began.

There is no question that this stress was a significant contributer to
his fatal heart attack on March 24, 1999.  I therefore blame his death
on them.

For the record, since Microsoft did so much to muddy the question,
design decisions in NT 4.0 such as moving the video drivers to ring 0
meant that it would never achieve C2 certification.  In the end after
6 service packs they managed to get a British certification that they
called "C2 equivalent".  But they never earned that certification and
their operating system should have never been sold for use in the US

While I acknowledge that they began making efforts to improve their
corporate image after the EU levied big enough fines to make them sit
up and notice, it will take a looong time before I'm willing to give
up my grudge.  And I know quite a few other people who feel similarly.


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