>it should be on june 9, the second tuesday.
>and i will not be able to give a proper talk. life has dealt me an
>extremely full hand these days and i don't have a spare femtosecond. the
>best i can do is bring up those perl/emacs pages i found and babble on
>them on the fly. that can be fun or useless depending on your taste for
>my babbling or your love/hate for emacs.
Are there any other volunteers to talk about an IDE?
Uri's talks are generally good but can be unfocussed and dull even
when he is prepared.
Actually, when is it *not* a "Uri talk"? He always seems to
feel free to badger and interrupt speakers. Sometimes he has a good point
but 90% of the time it is to talk about himself for some reason.
This causes meetings to extend
too long, imho, and probably dissuades potential speakers from volunteering.

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