On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:31 AM, rob levy<r.p.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Python still seems like a less powerful Perl pretending to be a more
> advanced and "cleaned up" Perl.

well it's in a sense both, but most people never see what it's missing.

The full power of pure closures is most useful to framework and
metatool designers, and rarely understood by others. There's a reason
most non-academic languages don't bother. But without closures we
never would have kept Damian.

TIMTOWDI is a virtue to Larry and to Perl community. It's the original
sin to Guido.
The redundancy of keywords and braces lets perl give us useful syntax
errors, Python relies on their equivalent of perltidy to find out if
they mashed something; having used a structured Fortran that almost
worked that way, I can see the appeal, but it's not what i am used to.
With compromised wrists, I can see the attraction of a language with
more letters less punctuation.

The Gnu/Linux distros converging on Python as replacement for cfg,
*sh, perl, VB have desire for one solution that covers a span from
simplest configs to fairly complex coding, one that won't scare
someone advised to tweak a constant. They aren't required to support
Damian  / PurpleWizard grade magic. Having an enforced One True Way
style is in their world a feature.

> I definitely prefer Python over PHP though,
> which is just a *******d cousin of Perl.

modulo the unPC adjective, exactly its history, the author built his
own web server in Perl and then to get Mod_perl / fast_cgi speed
reimplemented only those things he'd used in C.

> But Perl is much more expressive
> and powerful

being designed by a linguist has its definite benefits.
For those of us who see expressiveness in all its meanings as good in coding.
Of course it's that very expressiveness that lends it to JAPH and Golf
and dueling style wars.

n1...@arrl.net bill.n1...@gmail.com

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