Hi Boston PM,


I'm using CGI and HTML-Template for a web project (to allow user to
update info for a database record). Here is a sample code snippet from
the cgi script and the template.


# from cgi script

My $t=HTML::Template->new(filename=>'/path_to_template_file');

$t->param(fname=>$name_retrieved_from_database); # 'Scott'

$t->param(project=>$project_number_retrieved_from_database); # 'Project

$t->param(comment=>$comment_retrieved_from_database); # 'project on


# from template

<input type="text" name=""fname" value="<tmpl_var name="fname">">

<select name="project">

   <option value="project_1">Project 1</option>

   <option value="project_2">Project 2</option>

   <option value="project_3">Project 3</option>


<textarea name="comment" value="<tmpl_var name="comment">"></textarea>


The text field 'fname' worked as expected (displaying 'Scott' in the
text box). But the other two fields didn't show the assigned values. Can
someone tell me what I goofed? Any insight is greatly appreciated.




Bob Xiong


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