On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 21:09:05 -0400 "James Eshelman" <ja...@nova-sw.com> wrote: 

JE> That time has finally come for me that all good perl hackers dread -- being 
JE> forced to code in Java.  Most Java tutorials, websites, and books seem to 
JE> target novice programmers.  Anyone know of a condensed, quick reference or 
JE> site for Java for those with plenty of OO coding experience in perl ? 
JE> I've found a few that make a glancing blow, but nothing yet that really 
JE> the nail on the head.

There's a huge difference between writing server and desktop apps in
Java and further differences when you get to particular needs and
libraries.  In my experience this makes it hard to find the right Java
book, you end up with at least 2-3 plus a bunch of online docs.

Sun's online Swing tutorials are very good if you're interested in Swing
programming.  Similarly there are many other tutorials of high quality
on Sun's Java resource pages.  http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html is
also a very good resource and probably will be your favorite because it
goes pretty deep.

The Sun certification exams and study guides are good.

As far as language features: Threads, Collections, Generics, and
singleton objects are really important and you should look at them so
you don't reinvent the wheel.


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