I want to do a binary search on a list of strings in memory.  Basically I
want the bsearch functionality, also implemented in Search::Dict.
Unfortunately that is documented to only work for a list of strings in a
file.    http://search.cpan.org/~nwclark/perl-5.8.9/lib/Search/Dict.pm says
in part: <q>


Search::Dict, look - search for key in dictionary file



    use Search::Dict;

    look *FILEHANDLE, $key, $dict, $fold;


    use Search::Dict;

    look *FILEHANDLE, $params;



Sets file position in FILEHANDLE to be first line greater than or equal
(stringwise) to $key. Returns the new file position, or -1 if an error


Is there any way to have a FILEHANDLE point to an array in memory?  

If so, is anything special needed to use the above module?


I want the array of strings to be in memory for speed.    I think that doing
file I/O would be very slow.


I want to search a sorted array to see if which strings, if any,  have the
same prefix as my search string.  For example, given the search string of
"tempest" I want to find "tempests" and "tempestuous".   My word list has
about 250,000 words.  Even though only about 7500 will be used to start as
search I think brute force would be too slow.  It would take  O (n*n) time.


Because I believe in measuring performance I actually wrote the brute force
code.  It only uses 2500 strings to strart the search, rather than the 7500
I plan to use.  In fact it is very slow.   It is still running 15 minutes
later, and I can tell it is only half done.  


Alternatively, can someone recommend  another perl module for prefix
searching on a moderately large set of strings, e.g. trie  or suffix tree or
suffix array, etc..  It must be reliable and easy to use.  





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