William Ricker wrote:

> Yes. longjmp was once not only less C code but far far quicker to unwind
> a deep stack than the standard
> return(-1) if rc < 0; # lather rinse repeat
> in old C on old slow hardware without optimized stack instructions. The
> return()'s register swizzling is far cheaper on today's hardware which
> has support for such, so that is less true today. Doing an exception
> throw in OO C++ or Java or even Perl requires MUCH MORE *implicit* work
> as the exception propagates through the call stack checking at each
> frame for potential catches and potential destructors for on-stack
> objects being freed.

As there are somewhat optimized implementations of "return", there are 
optimized implementations of exceptions which do not require stack-walking in 
order to find the handler code & frame.  It is possible to maintain a separate 
"handler stack", for example -- numerous other approaches are possible, 
depending on the language constraints.

The details vary.  CPU support varies.  Languages vary.  What people are 
comfortable using varies.

Perhaps a little code will say something:

foo () {
  a = openFile("A");
  if ( FAIL = a ) return FAIL;
  ...use a...
  b = openFile("B");
  if ( FAIL = b ) { close(a); return FAIL; }
  ...use a & b...
  b = openFile("B");

  if ( FAIL = c ) { close(a); close(b); return FAIL; }

  ...use a & b & c...
  ...And so on...
  close(c); close(b); close(a);

bar () {
  try {
    a = openFile("A");

    ...use a...
    b = openFile("B");

    ...use a & b...
    b = openFile("B");

    ...use a & b & c...
    ...And so on...
  } finally {
    close(c); close(b); close(a);

baz () {

  a = openFile("A");

  if ( FAIL = a ) goto a;

  ...use a...

  b = openFile("B");

  if ( FAIL = b ) goto b;

  ...use a & b...

  b = openFile("B");

  if ( FAIL = c ) goto c;

  ...use a & b & c...

  ...And so on...
c: close(c);
b: close(b);
a: close(a); return FAIL;

As the saying goes: there's more than one way.  Suit yourself.


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