On Tue, 25 May 2010, Uri Guttman wrote:

so that is 6 ways to do it without eval and tied. :)

Thanks, I did in fact consider, and in a couple cases implement, all of those possible solutions, but was not happy with any of them.

Basically, either the template is too cluttered:

 <a href="[%url%]">[%title%]</a>...

or I am using regexp replacement. I suppose I trust perl's parser and variable interpolation more than my own, which is why I like eval.

I won't know the names of the methods until run-time since I am building a general purpose utility that can be used with any object.

If we don't like eval I might be able to use String::Interpolate instead, though honestly I have read their documentation 3 times now and still don't precisely understand it.

Broadly, what I want to do is almost what is described here:


except that I have one object on which all the methods will be called, so no need to repeat the object many times.

Possibly that means I can "use v6" and get what I want, although I have not read up on what else that would change backwards-incompatibly.

So it sounds like the best practice would be to go back to my own regexp substitution. Hm. Is there perhaps a packaged regexp somewhere that finds and replaces exactly the same strings of the form $abcd that the perl parser would?

 - Alex Aminoff

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