Slackware skipped the 6.0 version entirely, they went straight from 4.0
to 7.0.  Took them less than a year too, I guess they were on to
-----Original Message-----
[] On
Behalf Of Tom Metro
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 4:16 PM
To: Jason McIntosh
Cc: L-boston-pm
Subject: Re: [] Perl 5 to Perl 6 evolution

Jason McIntosh wrote:
> What I've lately been fond of explaining to friends is that "Perl6" is
> the somewhat misleading name attached to Perl's skunkworks lab. It
> develops, implements and tests various crazy ideas for new language
> features, the best of which Perl adopts...

Yes, exactly.

> The name could be better...

    The trouble with 6.0

    6.0 seems to be a difficult number to reach. Last year, MySQL 6.0
    was canceled when the community decided everything scheduled for
    that version should just be added in the 5.x branches. The same fate
    has just befallen the PHP community...

    This is mirrored in Perl's 5.12 release, the first for that language
    in a number of years. Most of the big minds in Perl have been
    thinking very hard about how to make 6.0 awesome. Unfortunately,
    they've been thinking and coding for almost 10 years now, and the
    remaining issues in Perl's 5.x branch were increasingly ignored.
    Updates were slow and infrequent, though new project management has
    pledged to make them more common. And in 5.12, the big fixes are
    almost all related to Unicode.

    One more 6.0 release was Windows Vista, right? Maybe there's some
    sort of 6.0 curse.    -- Alex Handy

> ...but getting a 10-year-old open-source project to change its
> name seems unlikely; it seems easier to spread the meme that it's
> Perl's R&D lab.


James Eshelman wrote:
> I think the developers of Perl 6 would do everybody a big favor by 
> renaming it.   Calling it Perl 6 implies something that increasingly 
> doesn't seem to be true, and inhibits interest in and active
> of Perl 5.

Agreed, but how do we make it happen. The people working on it seem to
be happy with the name, and they ultimately have the say. We could all
vote on it (post to whatever list covers perl 6 dev), but are they
likely to listen?


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
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