> Any suggestions from this group as to what would make sense to put effort
> into learning next to make myself more marketable in the Boston area?
> Should I try and learn Java? If so, any recommendations as to
> books/tutorials?
> What about Ruby or Python? Would those be useful together with Perl or are
> they usually mutually exclusive?
> Anything else?

There is no point in learning another single-threaded,
minimum-performance productivity language such as Python or Ruby when
you already know a single-threaded, minimum-performance productivity
language.  Looks the same on the resume except looks like you don't
have confidence in Perl.  Also, there is no way to use Perl and one of
those at the same time.  Unless you are insane like me and want to use
pychart from perl, which means generating code for an indentation-
syntaxed language from a language that looks like line noise in the
first place :-)

As people said, you should either go SQL if you want to go a business
route, which will definitely also require to learn new web techniques
starting with Ajax.  Or C if you want to be more "technical", and you
can write Perl modules in C.  Do not say "C/C++" on your resume.  That
means "I just know enough C++ to kill all your memory bandwidth with
unintentional object copying".  If you do C++ you need to be prepared
for a major time investment.

I think Java has been killed in political squabbles long ago but
others still like it, YMMV.  You are unlikely to find Java advocates
on a Perl mailing list :-)

Shell scripting is more useful than people commonly assume if you are
aiming for jobs that involve some kind of running computers, and it is
also useful for build systems.  There is nothing worse than somebody
with insufficient background hacking up a /etc/rc script or making
your build even more fragile.

In the end it might be better to pick something you want to do such as
an OpenSource project and then just learn whatever is required to get
*that* done.

Martin Cracauer <craca...@cons.org>   http://www.cons.org/cracauer/

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