>> > should you learn assembler? is there work in it (yes)? what would
>> > assembler teach you when using a high level lang?
>> Absolutely! I thoroughly enjoyed learning assembler. Though I no longer
>> program in it, I still look at the assembler my compilers generate.
> The only assembler code I write these days is for fun, on a Z80,
> although at some point I'm gonna learn ARM assembler too, Just Because.

My last job included doing a lot of ARM assembly coding.
Anything embedded has a pretty good chance of
having an ARM processor in it. So, there's work in it.

ARM has some neat architectural features.
It optimized some instructions in neat ways.

It also has a maddenly annoying "feature" from
being a RISC processor that to move data around
requires different instructions with different
syntax/formats depending on what your source and
destination is.

But it also has a fairly advanced macro language,
so I wrote an ARM macro that allows you to move
data around from anywhere to anywhere using one command
with the same syntax and same rules.


The Keil assembler for ARM has a pretty neat macro language.

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