On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:04 PM, Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FL > I like the idea!

So do I!! (wait, was that a ME TOO comment??!?)

> Who can practice the demo and lead the demo?

Question is (and this I guess is more bikeshedding than anything) what
should the demos do?

I've read most of the Perl 6 tutorials out there (masak++ moritz++
szabgab++ and several others!) and while it's given me a taste of
what's different and interesting, I doubt I'm alone if I'm not hugely
inspired without "real-world" examples!

So, perhaps this should be a new thread, but let me start off with the
first thing that comes to mind: log files.

Create Regex/Grammars for three different formats. Read in files in
those formats and merge them into a single stream, ordered by
timestamp (and/or other criteria), perhaps with some enrichment. Then,
extract some basic stats from that stream. Aside from the code
constructing the grammars, I expect that the Perl 6 code to do this
will be quite succinct! Also, this will give a good chance to show off
the readability and power of the Perl 6 Grammars!

> Would they want to demo it at LINUXCON in Boston in  August too ?

That would be a terrific idea, and I plan on being there...

-- Steve Scaffidi <step...@scaffidi.net>

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