On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 18:43:57 -0500 Kripa Sundar <kripa.sun...@synopsys.com> 

KS> I have a 900 Meg text file, containing random text.  I also have a list
KS> of 6000 names (alphanumeric strings) that occur in the random text.
KS> I need to tag a prefix on to each occurrence of each of these 6000
KS> names.

KS> My premise:
KS> I believe a regex would give the simplest and most efficient algorithm.
KS> If I am mistaken, I would be happy to learn.

KS> Solution attempt:
KS> I built a large-but-simple regex, consisting of all the names in
KS> alternation.  I applied this regex to each input line.

KS> My code:

KS>   1: my @names = [...];  # my 6000 names.
KS>   2: my $regex = join "|", @names;
KS>   3: $regex = qr/\b($regex)\b/;
KS>   4: 
KS>   5: # Read the input, and write out to all the copies simultaneously.
KS>   6: while (<>) {
KS>   7:     s/$regex/prefix_$1/g;
KS>   8: }

On CPAN you can find Regex::Trie which builds this regex in a more
optimized way
This is the most general solution.

There's also Tree::Trie
(http://search.cpan.org/~avif/Tree-Trie-1.5/Trie.pm) which is for
general text matching.  If you know a boundary (e.g. newline or space or
\b or \W) which always demarcates your strings, you can split your input
on that and feed the pieces to Tree::Trie.  You have to benchmark to
find out if that's faster that Regex::Trie (which claims to be built
for speed).  This is a more specific solution than Regex::Trie.

I also found
http://aaroncrane.co.uk/2008/05/text_match_fastalternatives/ which
benchmarks a C implementation called Text::Match::FastAlternatives to be
very fast.  Incidentally it claims that Perl 5.10 has specific
optimizations for your use case and that Text::Match::FastAlternatives
beats all the alternatives in speed.  Text::Match::FastAlternatives only
handles ASCII characters and is the most single-purpose solution of the
three.  So try it if it fits, it's also on CPAN :)

If you decide on one in particular, please let us know what you found.


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