On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Uri Guttman <u...@stemsystems.com> wrote:

> >>>>> "SS" == Steve Scaffidi <sscaff...@cpan.org> writes:
>  SS> Have him come as a normal attendee and I'll do a talk on statistics!
>  SS> I'll make sure it's rife with mathematical errors, logical fallacies,
>  SS> non-sensical algorithms and obnoxious references to internet memes and
>  SS> pop-culture. I'll also repeatedly mis-pronounce key technical terms
>  SS> and other random words. He wins 10 points for every minute he can sit
>  SS> there and not go insane!!!
> but what do WE win for also sitting through that??

A lifetime subscription to XKCD, or a prize of equivalent value.

Chris Devers

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