Hi Guy,

On Fri, 13 Apr 2012 21:20:10 -0400
Guy Gold <g...@the-golds.us> wrote:

> Hi Shlomi,
> First, Thank you for the info, I will read into it. 

You're welcome.

> On Fri,Apr 13 07:26:PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > So will a book be appropriate? I'm not aware of any printed book, that
> > covers
> > all of that in a comprehensive manner, and even if you learn about SQL
> > databases, SQL and then about DBI (which is time consuming by itself),
> > you
> > should at least play with DBIx-Class, to see if it's good enough for
> > you.
> I understand. 
> > http://perl-begin.org/uses/databases/
> will use that one as well. 


> > Now that I think of it, it is possible that some of the books about
> > Catalyst
> > (see http://www.catalystframework.org/ ) cover DBIx-Class to some
> > extent, but
> > they may assume some prior knowledge.
> I've encountered Catalyst, but was looking for something more primal to
> Perl rather then a framework, I think that DBIx and its documentation, or
> the DBI book that's outthere will be where I may start. 

Just a note - "DBIx" is a general namespace prefix for DBI extensions (hence
"DBIx") - see https://metacpan.org/search?q=dbix - it's a convention. You
probably mean DBIx-Class, or DBIC for short, and simply calling it "DBIx" (as
many people do) is unfair to the other distributions there.


        Shlomi Fish

> Thank you, 
> Guy Gold 

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Freecell Solver - http://fc-solve.shlomifish.org/

What does “IDK” stand for? I don’t know.

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