On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Conor Walsh <c...@adverb.ly> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2013 8:24 PM, "Uri Guttman" <u...@stemsystems.com> wrote:
> > as for your ram usage, all recursions can be unrolled into plain loops by
> > managing your own stack. this is a classic way to save ram and sub call
> > overhead. with perl it would be a fairly trivial thing to do. use an array
> > for the stack and each element could be a hash ref containing all the
> > data/args for that level's call. then you just loop and decide to 'recurse'
> > or not. if you recurse you push a new hash ref onto the stack and loop. if
> > you don't recurse you pop a value from the stack and maybe modify the
> > previous top of the stack (like doing a return early in recursion). i leave
> > the details to you. this would save you a ton of ram and cpu for each call
> > if you go very deep and complex.
> Uri, you know more perlguts than I do, so maybe this is a dumb question,
> but...  why is this that much faster than actual recursion?  That speaks
> poorly of lowercase-p perl.

Do you like having detailed stack backtraces on program crashes?  It
takes a lot of work to maintain that information, and you're using it
whether or not you crash.

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