
Thank you for offering your thoughts and your experiences.

I feel about better about using Inline::Java. My application is large
enough that porting it to another language would be nontrivial.
Inline::Java seem like a better choice than the alternatives such as
calling Java with system, reimplementing algorithms.



On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 3:15 PM, William Cox <mydimens...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My suspicion is that it's 2-fold:
>   1. Java doesn't fit the "Perl mold"
>   2. Inline::Java can be tricky to get setup (despite the docs
> appearing to make it easy)
> On (1), the development philosophies between perl and java tend to be
> so different that each side almost writes the other off.
> In my experience on (2), for example by BEGIN block does the following
> things (for the maven wrapper):
>   1. find the installation of the mvn command line utility, then add
> all the jars to $ENV{CLASSPATH}
>   2. map java classnames to constant subs in the current package
> representing the perl package standing in for that java class
> Then I execute the 'use Inline (args);' line. Here is a brief example
> of what I'm doing:
>     chomp(my $mvn = `which mvn`);
>     $mvn or die "Unable to locate maven installation - is it installed?";
>     $maven_home = Cwd::realpath($mvn);
>     $maven_home =~ s{/bin/mvn$}{};
>     $ENV{CLASSPATH} = join ':', <$maven_home/lib/*.jar>,
>       <$maven_home/boot/*.jar>;
>     @class = (
>         'java.io.File',
>         'java.io.FileInputStream',
>         ...
>         'org.apache.maven.Maven',
>         ...
>     );
>     %class = map { (/\.(\w+)$/ => Inline::Java::java2perl(__PACKAGE__,
> $_)) } @class;
>     # this will create &subs that simply return the full class of the java
>     # package
>     my $stash = Package::Stash->new(__PACKAGE__);
>     while (my ($C, $P) = each %class) {
>         my $symbol = "\&$C";
>         next if $stash->has_symbol($symbol);
>         $stash->add_symbol($symbol, sub () { $P });
>     }
> }
> use Inline (
>     Java => 'STUDY',
>       "-Dmaven.home=$maven_home
> -Dclassworlds.conf=$maven_home/bin/m2.conf -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m",
>     STUDY     => \@class,
>     AUTOSTUDY => 1,
>     JNI       => 1,
>     NAME      => __PACKAGE__,
>     DIRECTORY => ((__FILE__ =~ m{^(.*)\.pm$})[0] . '/_Inline'),
> );
> All of this makes for a rather non-trivial use-case for Java inside
> perl. I spent a lot of time finding the right setup for my needs. And
> that tends to be common for Java in general (why engineer it once when
> you can over engineer it twice).
> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 1:41 PM, David Larochelle <da...@larochelle.name>
> wrote:
> > Thanks William,
> >
> > My biggest concern with Inline::Java is why it isn't more widely known
> and
> > used. For data analysis, there are two main choices: Python and the JVM
> > stack. CPAN is nice but it just doesn't have the data libraries these
> > platforms do. It would seem like Inline::Java would be frequently touted
> as
> > a savor of Perl letting you write code that uses both powerful Java
> > libraries and CPAN while still having the benefits of Perl.
> >
> > Are the reasons why Inline::Java isn't more widely known and used
> cultural?
> > E.g. Perl developers have an aversion to Java, most Perl developers don't
> > need data analysis, Inline::Java is badly marketed, etc. Or are there
> > technical reasons why Inline::Java is less attractive than it first
> appears?
> >
> > Would it make sense to use Inline::Java and Perl for a green field
> project
> > or would it be better to just use Java or other JVM languages such as
> Scala
> > or Jython when Java libraries are a major component?
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > David
> >
> > On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:42 PM, William Cox <mydimens...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I've used Inline::Java for 2 main projects in my $work: one is a
> >> wrapper around the Maven libraries to introspect POMs, the other is a
> >> long run daemon using an internal java library. I've found it to be
> >> extremely reliable. To help maintain performance, keep in mind the
> >> following:
> >>
> >> 1. use the JNI interface so that all Perl<->Java communication happens
> >> in the same process. the other mode runs a separate process and
> >> communicates over a unix socket.
> >> 2. more importantly, plan very carefully your calls (method calls,
> >> property lookups, object construction, etc.) from Perl to Java. I've
> >> found that the time to communicate even simple data can take much
> >> longer that the time taken to process that data (to much context
> >> switching).
> >>
> >> (2) for me was exemplified for me on wrapping our internal Java
> >> library. I was doing lots of back-and-forth. After implementing a
> >> Java-side layer that did the same calls I was doing from Perl, I saw a
> >> significant speed boost.
> >>
> >> Hope this helps.
> >>
> >> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 8:59 PM, David Larochelle <
> da...@larochelle.name>
> >> wrote:
> >> > Does anyone have experience with Inline::Java?
> >> >
> >> > I did some basic tests with it and it seems to work but I'm concerned
> >> > about
> >> > its reliability in production use.
> >> >
> >> > The use case is a large data processing system implemented in Perl.
> I'd
> >> > like to add an algorithm (Conditional Random Fields) that's not
> >> > implemented
> >> > on CPAN but is available as a Java library.
> >> > I'm hoping to use Inline::Java to allow this algorithm to be called
> from
> >> > the existing Perl code.
> >> > An alternative is to execute the Java code as a separate process and
> >> > pass
> >> > data to the Perl process with pipes and files.
> >> >
> >> > In my case the Java code will be run around 50,000 times a day to
> >> > process
> >> > incoming data. So I want to make sure that whatever solution I use is
> >> > stable and low overhead.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks,
> >> >
> >> > David
> >> >
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > Boston-pm mailing list
> >> > Boston-pm@mail.pm.org
> >> > http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/boston-pm
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> William Cox
> >>
> >> email: mydimens...@gmail.com
> >> sgp.cm/mydimension
> >>
> >> -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
> >> Version: 3.1
> >> GCS d- s+:+() a C++(++++)$ UBLC(++)$
> >> P+++(++++)$ L++(+++)$ !E--- W++(+++)$
> >> !N !o? K--? !w--- !O M++ !V- PS-(--)@ PE+()
> >> Y+ !PGP t++ !5 X+++ !R tv(+) b+>++
> >> DI+(++) D+() G e h--- r+++ y+++>++++
> >> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> >
> >
> --
> William Cox
> email: mydimens...@gmail.com
> sgp.cm/mydimension
> Version: 3.1
> GCS d- s+:+() a C++(++++)$ UBLC(++)$
> P+++(++++)$ L++(+++)$ !E--- W++(+++)$
> !N !o? K--? !w--- !O M++ !V- PS-(--)@ PE+()
> Y+ !PGP t++ !5 X+++ !R tv(+) b+>++
> DI+(++) D+() G e h--- r+++ y+++>++++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

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