This is really convoluted, so feel free to reply to me offlist.

I'm trying to model a register map for a voltage regulator chip.

Our chips used to have an extremely simple register map.
There was an I2C interface, and the designers created a
list of register names, defined what address they were
at, how many bits wide they were, masks, etc, and we
were done. It was easy because every register name
was completely unique.

So I just modeled it as a simple perl hash.

Our latest regulator chip has multiple voltage outputs
and the old register map approach fell apart. We now have
the same register names occuring at multiple addresses
and each version of a register might behave a little

i.e. the "output_voltage" register might be ten
bits wide for the first voltage output core
and another "output_voltage" register might be 12 bits wide
for the second core.  And of course,
each "output_voltage" has to have a different address
depending on which output its controlling.

I don't even know how to model this.

The best I can come up with is to start defining
classes for the different types of registers.
Like have an "output_voltage" class that has
attributes like address and how many bits wide
it is, and then give each class methods specific
to what the register does, such as a "set_voltage"
method which takes a floating poitn number like 1.3
representing voltage and converts it to the correct
number of bits in the correct format, and then
writes that data into the chip.

And then I think I'd need container classes to hold
instances of the registers. I might put all the
"read-only" registers in one container, and the
"calibration" regisers in another container.
And the container would have to support iterating
through all the instances it holds somehow,
and have various methods to support that.
So that would be a container-of-registers class.

And then I'd need a third class, which would
be a container-of-container class. A single
voltage core would be a container of "read-only"
and "calibration" and "read-write" container-of-register
instances.  I think.  And then that class would
need to deal with iterating through the
container-of-register instances it holds.

The idea would be that I should be able to
iterate through all the cores and set the
output to different voltages, and it just
uses polymorphism to work.

We also need to be able to iterate through
all the registers, set them to somewhat-random
values, read them back, and make sure they
hold the values written. So, I need ot iterate
through the container-of-container class whcih
iterates through the container-of-regiser class,
which iterates through all the register-class

So, (1) register_class is a base class.
And then there are classes that inherit from that
register_class such as output_voltage_register class
which deals specifically with the output_voltage
register and all its variations.

Then (2), container-of-register class,
which keeps track of chunks of registers
that are physically related and supports
iterating through those registers.

And (3), a container-of-container class,
which holds instances of container-of-register
objects, and supports iterating through them.

At which point, this seems really complicated.

But at the same time, dealing with registesr maps doesn't
seem like it should be a new thing, so maybe someone
has already come up with a set of classes for dealing
with this? But I wouldn't even know what to google for.

So, anyone know of a already-existing
solution (perl module or similar) for dealing with
this kind of register-map problem?
Maybe point me in the direction of something that's
already solved this problem well so I don't reinvent
the wheel, and do it poorly.

Or maybe a generic container-of-instances-of-other-classes

Or is this the wrong approach entirely?
and if so, what would be the better way to manage this?

Our old approach is a kludge and needs to be recoded.
And that's looking like a lot of work. So I thought
before I go down that path, I'd check in with you software
types and see if someone hasn't already figured this out
or at the very least if someone sees a fatal flaw in
the basic approach.


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