Wonderful. I will try to make it!

Best -F

> On Apr 27, 2021, at 1:46 PM, Bill Ricker via Boston-pm-announce 
> <boston-pm-annou...@pm.org> wrote:
> Boston.PM is invited to join Charlotte PM's virtual meeting this Wednesday 
> night, April 28th, 6PM EDT.
> Command Line Adventures in Perl - 2021 Edition  
> Command line interfaces are an important part of managing many modern 
> applications, and in 2021, there are no shortage of options for building them 
> in Perl. In this talk, Jason will summarize many of the current options 
> available, with an overview of the pros and cons of each. From there, he will 
> explore how to construct a complex command line interface using CLI::Osprey, 
> based on his recent experiences rebuilding the Dancer2 CLI.
> Jason Crome is a longtime veteran of Perl and its community, is the TPF 
> Grants Committee Secretary, and a member of the Dancer Core Team. He's 
> currently a contractor at Bank of America building and maintaining payment 
> processing systems with Perl and C++.
> This is a Zoom event. 
> You can register via their Meetup if you like or go direct here.
> ( As seen on https://perlweekly.com/events.html combined calendar )
> -- 
> Bill Ricker
> Boston PM Interim Facilitator
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> boston-pm-annou...@pm.org
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