We have a possible volunteer for a follow-up presentation in *April*.
If there's another Half-Meeting presentation for April or any half or full
pres in April/May, I'd love to hear from your.

No set topic *tonight* - Since it was a non-leap year, March as was
February is as early as 2d Tuesday falls - so we're having an Round-table /
open-mike / virtual social meeting tonight. If you have a short item,
screen share is ok!

*6:30pm - 9:00pm Eastern Time *

Meeting will be on *JITSI* FLOSS meetings -- like Zoom but with better
security and open source.
To *compute the secure meeting URL*, run this command on day of event (or
day before - it computes a different URL each *week*, so as to be usable in
far flung timezones).

>  perl -MDigest::SHA=sha1_hex -MPOSIX=strftime -le 'print strftime "%Y/%m/%d 
> week %U", localtime; $date=strftime "Y%Y W%U", localtime; print $date; print  
> "https://meet.jit.si/BostonPM-".sha1_hex("BostonPM".$date);'
> (
> *If on Windows with classic CMD instead of a Gnu/BSD shell in Terminal,
> exchange single and double quotes, but you knew that.If your mail client
> breaks the line in a way that it stays broken cut-&-paste, unbreak it.*
> *This hashes Year and ISO Week which won't be friendly to AU/NZ/JP/IN on
> New Year's Eve but should work on Tuesdays the rest of the year.*
> *If this doesn't work for you, send off-list email to Bill or DM on
> Twitter @n1vux or @BostonPM . *)
>   (If you need to hear my rant about why Zoom’s “fixes” are inadequate, ask 
> me off-list.)
>   Jitsi is a Free/Libre OSS project sponsored by 8x8 (an Atlassian spin-off). 
> It is the freemium base for their added-value corporate meeting & VOIP 
> platform. As FLOSS, it can be self-hosted; they provide a free demo server. 
> We will currently be using the free demo server, but may migrate to a hosted 
> server (where we can set defaults, privileges).
>   Natick FOSS group has a 4-page Jitsi Help .pdf file 
> <http://www.millermicro.com/FOSSUserGroupJitsi.pdf>, and you can practice 
> beforehand.  (They meet 1st Thursdays, online, early afternoon.)
>  Update to file ^ : Firefox latest versions 78+ support multicast, so are 
> safer than before. Chrome/Chromium/FF78+ all plausible now.
> One can use plain web mode, but you can install the browser plug-in if you
> like (recommended if sharing slides or terminal). There are also iOS
> (iPhone/iPad) and Android apps which work well.
> JITSI keyboard shortcuts -
> https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/user-guide/keyboard-shortcuts
> JITSI scales fine to more people in face-sharing BradyBunch /
> HollywoodSquares mode than you can easily see at once (30ish) and if folks
> turn off their cameras when just listening/talking, i.e. when not
> commenting/presenting, it scales much higher. (If we later get more folks
> than will comfortably fit in Jitsi, we can set up a stream to YouTubeLive
> or some other platform … or upgrade to a proper panelist platform feeding a
> stream, but the “seminar” quality of Jitsi is fine for our level of
> anarchy.)
> I will routinely mute those not presenting so you’ll usually need to
> unmute to comment. Hint: Space-bar is push to talk, M is mute/unmute (on
> phone/tablet it’s the skeuomorphic microphone, avoid the handset hangup
> button!).
> As now seen on Perl Weekly newsletter <https://perlweekly.com/> [image:
> Perl weekly 234x60.png]
> <https://bpm.qualitybox.us/bpm/File:Perl_weekly_234x60.png> and their Events
> Calendar <https://perlweekly.com/events.html> - which you can import via
> the live iCal <https://perlweekly.com/perlweekly.ical> calendar.
(And i usually post the Charlotte meetings there and here too.)

FWIW Our *Wiki* is currently *OFFLINE*. (Provider got DNS-jacked after
business folded. Free is worth every penny, no complaints. It will
eventually reappear, whether as a wiki or as static pages is TBD. )

Bill Ricker

Boston-pm mailing list

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