Boston Perl Mongers (
Tuesday, May 10, 2022  7:30 PM to 9:30 PM EDT
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month (on JITSI)
Using Perl's Twitter::API

Bill Ricker, inspired by Ricky's talk on archival web scraping last month,
revisits the *Twitter::API*.

One script is a daemon used to automatically retweet useful announcements
posted to a monitored Twitter account. The other will archive a Twitter
thread in text format (and can safely be re-run when the tread gets
longer). It avoids depending on a 3rd party service, which use tracking,
ads, and might disappear, to host the archived thread.

This is a virtual meeting.
Run this Perl code to generate the JITSI secure URL , or check the MeetUp
listing, or DM me.

perl -MDigest::SHA=sha1_hex -MPOSIX=strftime -le 'print strftime
"%Y/%m/%d week %U", localtime; $date=strftime "Y%Y W%U", localtime;
print $date; print

If this URL doesn't work in Firefox, try Chrome/Chromium. (Next month I'll
crop the hash so it works with Firefox!)

> *And  MAY 25th, Charlotte regular schedule*:
> Richard Hipp Talks About All Things SQLite

> /// AS SEEN IN PerlWeekly newsletter and list of Perl events
> <> ( ICal format
> <> ). ///

> NOTE: *Boston.PM.ORG <http://Boston.PM.ORG>* remains down.
> I'm still hoping to recover lost Wiki content before rebuilding elsewhere.
> I'll recreate lost content from email logs only if i have to.
> Seriously considering using GitHub Pages ( for next version, as
> that will avoid having a SPOF.
> Several other PM's are either already there or considering same; i already
> have personal pages there.
> [As recently discussed in FB group "Perl Programers
> <>";
> Private group, consider this an invitation ;-) ]
> I'm going to try to be more active on Boston PM FB until we fix the
> website...

Bill Ricker

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