Meeting will be live before 7pm EDT Tuesday Oct 11th, but no guest.

I'll announce a new date for Ovid & LeoNerd talk Corinna when we've figured
out what works for both of them.
(Real life is what happens when you have other plans - nothing dramatic but
we'd rather have both guests virtually present than force one to tap-dance.)

FWIW, I've heard Oct 26th (Weds) is going to be a VIRTUAL Charlotte PM,
with remote speaker, that we're invited to / co-sponsoring.
Details will be on NEXT announcement when it's formally announcible.

// Bill

On Sun, Oct 9, 2022 at 7:10 PM Bill Ricker <> wrote:

> We’ll have live remote guests *Curtis “Ovid” Poe* and *Paul “PEVANS
> <>/LeoNerd <>”
> Evans* for a virtual meeting this week.
> “For #perl devs wondering how the Corinna #oop project is going,
> @cpan_pevans is now working on stage 1 of the accepted portion of the
> RFC. I’ve put that in the repo so you can follow along”
> @OvidPerl 2022-08-18
> <>
> Ovid is the architect and Paul is the lead developer for adding a new
> object-oriented system called Corinna† (formerly & confusingly “Cor” into
> Perl 5 Core. They’ve had an open community process to develop an RFC or
> proposal and prototype, but until recently, without commitment for the Perl
> 5 Porters (P5P) to actually implement it in Perl 5. Over the summer, P5P
> have approved the initial Stage 1 integration into Perl Core. While we’ve
> had 20+ years of new OO packages for Perl5 since 5.0, this is the first
> actual (as opposed to proposed) overhaul of the *core* OO system in Perl
> 5.
> PEVANS’s compatible, non-Core, prototype is Object::Pad
> <>.
> Ovid’s recent writing on Corinna are on his blog
> <>.
> The Corinna project <> has a wiki
> <> and the RFC
> <> that proposed adding Corinna to Perl 5
> Core, and the P5P-accepted Stage 1 Minimal Viable Product RFC
> <>. His 2021 editorial
> <> explains the
> difference between Moose (*et al*), Stevan Little’s Moxie, and Corinna.
> *Damian Conway* posted an exultation for the (January 2022) P5P approval
> of the Stage 1 MVP RFC *but i can’t find it again*. His previous writings
> endorsing the project are
>    - A (not so) simple matter of privacy 2021-DEC
> <>
>    ,
>    - A dream resyntaxed 2021-Nov
>    <>
>    - A dream realized 2021-Aug
>    <>
> † *Corinna* is a classical allusion in connection to Curtis’s pseudonym
> *Ovid*, which explains the classical (and otherwise potentially NSFW)
> image on the MVP RFC tweet.
> This is a JitSi meeting. The secure URL will be computed by this command
> (valid only during that week):
> perl -MDigest::SHA=sha1_hex -MPOSIX=strftime -le 'print strftime "%Y/%m/%d 
> week %U", localtime; $date=strftime "Y%Y W%U", localtime; print $date; print  
> "".substr(sha1_hex("BostonPM".$date),0,12);'
> (and will likely be posted here just in time)
> For more advice on JitSi and the updated meeting URL, see homepage
> https://boston.**/index.html#schedule
> <>
> (Yes, the branded alias is working again! :-0 :-D )
> RSVP not required, but if you RSVP on MeetUp, that will give you the
> secret URL in advance. As will private messaging Bill.
> --
> Bill Ricker

Bill Ricker

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