Minutes posted to Boston.pm.org/History-03-Email.html#tuesday-may-14th-2024
* String Eval redux (as seen on Mastodon/Fediverse/ActivityPub #Perl
* Using Perl and CPAN to determine if 6-digit confirmation codes that feel
"patterned" really are random
* CPAN module for a Geocoding API that I'd actually consider using (also
reminded of by a Mastodon post!)
* other

(I'm still hoping to have a Mastodon identity for Boston PM but still TBD.)
June 11th, 2024 - NEXT MEETING - 7.30 EDT topic start (7.00 gathering

Anyone have a topic to share?

This is a JitSi meeting. The secure URL will be computed by this command
(valid only during that week):

perl -MDigest::SHA=sha1_hex -MPOSIX=strftime -le 'print strftime
"%Y/%m/%d week %U", localtime; $date=strftime "Y%Y W%U", localtime;
print $date; print

(and will likely be posted here just in time, but to avoid spammers, won’t
be posted on public social media)
(See Boilerplate <https://boston-pm.github.io/index.html/#boilerplate>
below for additional how-to etc.)

> BoilerPlate
>    - Meetings hosted by Boston.PM are in meet.Jit.si and on 2d Tuesday.
>    - Topic starts at 7:30 PM EDT; gathering from 7pm.
> (*If you need to hear my rant about why Zoom’s “fixes” are inadequate,
> ask me off-list. Or watch my BLU Cryptology History & News annual report
> for the last decade.*)

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