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bodik wrote:

> yes, i was a ssh bruteforce. user installed oracle client recently, and
> forget to change a password ;(( it was oracle:oracle

After all this time I don't know how come stupid administrators are
given access to administrate machines. How hard can it be to block in
all (iptables, ipfw, ipf, etc) to ssh minus the ones that need access.
It boggles me.

How hard was it to find and install something easily found on the
Internet (ossec) to mitigate against this? About 1 minute


Some of these compromised businesses need to start giving idiot admins
the boot. Sorry if its off-topic, harsh, etc., but man experience,
training, common sense sure go a long way.

J. Oquendo

SGFA (FW+VPN v4.1)
SGFE (FW+VPN v4.1)

"I hear much of people's calling out to punish the
guilty, but very few are concerned to clear the
innocent." Daniel Defoe

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