Hi all,

Here are two unrelated queries about Keysoft's backup and restore functionality:

1) Tonight I was doing a full flash disk backup and received the warning that a file could not be backed up because the data was invalid. The file in question was a memo that wasn't very important, so I tried deleting it and proceeding with the backup, but then I got the same message about another file, at about the same point through the backup's progression. I tried using a different medium (a USB flash drive instead of an SD card) to complete the backup, and this time the backup proceeded without any errors. I assume this means the SD card is damaged in some way, but it's an odd error to display - what do you guys think?

2. Does anybody know how you would go about restoring from an "incremental" backup? Has anybody ever tried this? For example, would you select the latest backup that was done incrementally, and Keysoft would scan all the previous backups and restore accordingly? I have a feeling this isn't how it works.



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