On Wed, 1 Nov 2023 at 16:10, Konstantin Ryabitsev
<konstan...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> The mailman-2 system running on lists.linux-foundation.org is being
> decommissioned, so all lists currently hosted there will be found new homes.
> *On November 7*, The bridge list will be migrated to live on lists.linux.dev,
> but the impact of this move should be minor:

Hi, all:

This work is complete -- the new list address is
bri...@lists.linux.dev, but the old address will continue to work for
the foreseeable future.

As a reminder, below is the impact of this migration:

> 1. The new canonical list address will be bri...@lists.linux.dev.
> 2. *The old address will continue to work* for the foreseeable future, so any
>    existing conversations can continue and any new messages sent to the old
>    list address will be properly delivered to all subscribers.
> 3. All members will be automatically subscribed to the new list, so no action
>    is required on anyone's part to keep receiving list mail.
> 4. The list will be archived on https://lore.kernel.org/bridge/ with all prior
>    archives automatically imported.
> 5. The List-ID header will change, regardless to which address the message is
>    sent:
>    before: List-Id: <bridge.lists.linux-foundation.org>
>     after: List-Id: <bridge.lists.linux.dev>
>    You will need to update your filtering rules if you filter based on the
>    contents of that header (on or after November 7).
> 6. The mailman footer will no longer be added to message bodies and the
>    subject will no longer be modified to insert [bridge] (because this
>    violates DMARC).
> 7. Subscribing and unsubscribing will be done using the mlmmj supported
>    commands, documented at https://subspace.kernel.org/subscribing.html

The list is now archived on https://lore.kernel.org/bridge/.

If something isn't working or looking right, please reach out to


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