At Stardate 20030625.2043, Jorpho wrote:

It has been said that there is a certain dramatic allure to the whole secret process of sending the jury off to deliberate before unveiling with a flourish what they agreed on, without any consderation given to how they arrived at this conclusion.

That's one of the things I don't like about the jury system: the lack of transparency. Over here a judge not only decides on whether someone is guilty or innocent, s/he also has to explain how that conclusion was reached.

But it might also be said that it would be too costly to train large numbers of people in the minutae of the law.

All the more reason not to have a jury system; better spend that money on properly training a limited number of people than leaving guilty/not-guilty decisions to the uneducated masses.

BTW, I don't know how this is handled elsewhere, but in The Netherlands going to Law School is just like going to any other school: the government doesn't pay for it, you'll have to pay for it yourself (despite the existence of student loans from the government).

Jeroen van Baardwijk

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