--- "Adam C. Lipscomb" wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> > WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand's main advocate
> for
> > children has branded as "psychological abuse" the
> naming
> > of a child after a notorious criminal gang.
> >
> > Commissioner for Children Roger McClay said he
> received
> > a complaint about a baby boy named Triple M Rogue,
> which
> > is short for Mighty Mongrel Mob, Rogue Chapter.
> >
> Both times my wife was pregnant, I dealt with the
> unending series of
> questions regarding potential baby names by
> informing everyone I met
> that our children would get names reflective of
> their ethnic
> heritage - Aethelred or Cuthbert if a boy, Hroswitha
> if a girl.

"Oooh - you wicked, wicked man!"  <G>

How about "Starscreamer Anakin (last name deleted to
protect the guilty)" - from my Special Ed teacher

When I was working in Boulder, CO, I met "Truthsayer"
(no other name given) and "Silver Raven (something)"
(who looked about as WASPy as me, ie _not_ Native

I know a "Cristy Columbus" and an "Amber Love;"  some
of the weirder names I've heard from Labor & Delivery
personnel I can't confirm, so won't repeat (although
the story about the twins "Orangejello & Lemonjello"
(accents on 2nd syllable: 'ahnjzh' and Rastafarian
'mon,' followed by 'zhello') did inspire my brother to
name his ginger tabby kitten Orangejello <G>).

For The Kids' Sakes, I Hope Some Of The Names I've
Heard Are Just Stories Maru

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