--- The Fool wrote:
> Fascinating article on human / computer processing
> tasks:

This reminds me of a short story I read (can't
remember the author at the moment - Him?) in which
computers (or maybe it was cyborgs?) get all the
interesting jobs because they are superior to plain
humans...until it's discovered that only humans can
survive the experimental interstellar drive...
Or something like that.

I think that prolonged/intimate dealings with living
beings will require living beings; we have all
evolutionary history behind us when it comes not only
to simple visual recognition, but also threat
assessment, curiosity, cooperation/friendship and of
course a sense of humor.

Cybernetic augmentation will probably happen sometime
(soon?), and researchers are working on bionics/smart
prosthetics, some of which will certainly be in use in
the next decade or two, but those won't alter our
essential emotional core (aka 'lizard and rat' parts
of the brain).  Duplicating or surpassing the
intricate connections of the human neocortex will be
far more difficult, IMHO.  (I sort of have to believe
that, don't I? ;))

The human brain contains roughly 100 billion cells,
each with ~1-10 thousand connections, resulting in
about 10-to-the-14th-or-15th total connections.  Even
though a neuron is slower than a computer transistor
by a large factor (10-to-the-6th), the massive
parallel processing capacity of the brain enables it
to respond very quickly (according to the following
link, for example, our brain takes only 100-200 msec
to recognize a face in a photograph). 


[Links from the above page go to discussions of
artificial neurons and neural net etc. -- but I
honestly don't know anything about the author.  Not my

I'm not ready to take second-class status to a
computer (even though I know our technology is quite
dependent on them).  :P

Pinnacle of Creation Maru

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