On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Adam C. Lipscomb wrote:

> Marvin wrote:
> > Satan flows through me all the time, but only after I've consumed a
> coupla
> > dozen stuffed jalapenos and half a case of Lone Star.
> That's not Satan - that's cheap-ass beer.

Strangely enough, Lone Star is some of the best cheap-ass (read: American
yellow lager-style) beer I've ever had.  It can't compete with a good
microbrew or craft-brew, but it beats the heck outta
Bud/Coors/Miller/etc.  And it is definitely cheap.

Not that I'm going to give up my Guinness or Arrogant Bastard Ale, mind
you.  But a Lone Star is damn good with a plate of BBQ (and some

Marvin Long
Austin, Texas

"Two bits, four bits, six bits, a peso.  If you're for Zorro,
stand up and say so!"


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