At 07:23 04-10-2002 -0500, Adam Lipscomb wrote:

> > >I consider this reason enough to determine that you are not
> > >inclined to discuss this topic in good faith.
> >
> > Fine with me. I really do not have the time for this anyway; this
> > Monday I have my "Systems Development I" exam (the fourth exam for my
> > CompSci degree), so most of my time will go into studying today and
> > this weekend.
>"I just realized that I lost here, but rather than admit it, I'm going
>to pretend I'm busy and hope this goes away."

Nope, there is no "translation". I *do* have that exam on Monday, and I 
*will* be spending a lot of my time till then studying for it.

But since you seem to be convinced I am lying, I will give you the 
opportunity to check my story (and apologise afterwards).

The exam (exam code HSB.1) will take place on Monday, October 7, 2002 at 
13:00 hours in Classroom #1 at the offices of the EXIN Foundation in 
Utrecht, The Netherlands.

(Depending on whom you ask, the name for HSB.1 is either "Systems 
Development I" or "Information Analysis and Modelling".)

EXIN contact information:

EXIN Foundation
Kantoor Janssoenborch, Hoog Catharijne
Godebaldkwartier 365
The Netherlands

Phone:    +31 30 234 48 11
Fax:      +31 30 231 59 86

Please report back to this list what the nice people at EXIN tell you. I 
promise that after that, your apologies for calling me a liar will be 
graciously accepted.

Hell, you may even check to confirm that I really am studying for my 
CompSci degree (in case you do not believe that either). I am a second-year 
student at the LOI, the Dutch name for the entire CompSci course I am 
taking is "HBO Informatica".

LOI contact information:

LOI Leidse Onderwijs Instellingen
Leidsedreef 2
The Netherlands

Phone:    +31 71 545 18 99
Fax:      +31 71 545 11 95

Please report back to this list what the nice people at the LOI tell you. I 
promise that after that, your apologies for not believing me will be 
graciously accepted.

Jeroen "And now, back to studying" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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