Erik Reuter wrote:

> > Well, if I were an Iraqi and came across leaflets saying
> > that..'arrogance' would be one of the nicer words to cross my mind. 
> Really? Would you care to explain? 

Certainly. :)

Consider the present conditions, the USA's drive to remove Saddam.
Irrespective of whether the Iraqi people want him removed or not.
Irrespective of whether the UN or the rest of the world agrees or not.
The rejection by the US of the Oct.1 Iraqi offer to allow unlimited
access under previous UN resolutions. Bush's Sept 12 speech where he
'invites' the UN to join US in toppling over Saddam's government. The
Oct. 2 resolution introduced in the Congress where 'regime change' is
the reason given to authorise the President to declare war on Iraq.

Well, consider all that, and consider being an Iraqi soldier picking up
leaflets that state what these do. I don't know about you, but I still
think that 'arrogance' would be a mild word to use. People cannot be
pushed beyond a certain point, y'know. Psychological warfare or no
psychological warfare.

> Remember, Iraq lost a war 
> and agreed
> to a treaty. 

Yes, I remember. I also remember the Treaty of Versailles and the
everlasting peace *that* brought to Europe.

> Iraq has been firing on US planes, and rather 
> than bombing
> their cities, the US drops leaflets warning that they will return fire
> on military targets that fire upon them.
> What would you suggest?

Well, I'd suggest that the US govt. calms down a bit. Accepts the Oct. 1
offer of Iraq. Let the UN SC decide what it wants to do. Take it from
there, really. 
And while the US holds it patience, I'd also suggest that it stops
saying thing like 'You could be next!'.
I have a feeling that every single Iraqi already know that. :)



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