At 20:39 06-10-2002 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:

>But I do believe my conversation with Jeroen is indicative of a larger 
>problem that I think should be addressed.  We've had many people here,

About three or four, IIRC. Hardly "many".

>myself included, who have complained that when Jeroen argues a point he 
>does not accept standard definitions of terms or substantiation from a 
>widely accepted authority when they disagree with his position.  This 
>effectively makes having reasonable conversations with him impossible, 
>since he refuses to accept he's wrong.

As I have pointed out before in this discussion, I am not saying the most 
common interpretation of the word "anti-Semite" is *wrong*, I am arguing 
that it is not the *only* valid interpretation -- something you seem to 
refuse to accept.

I think this discussion could be much more fruitful if others would be 
willing to accept that their definition of a word is not necessarily the 
only valid one.

>I'd be happy to can the discussion, except that if I walk away from this 
>conversation, *I'll* be accused by him of not answering his questions.

That is an easy problem to solve. Answer the questions. I have tried to 
answer questions to the best of my ability, so it seems only reasonable you 
do the same.

Jeroen "Have them on my desk by 8 AM tomorrow" van Baardwijk

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