Deborah Harrell wrote:

> > > Nope, I have no idea how you feel about living
> > under the BJP government.  
> My initial response had the 'no' highlit, but I
> decided that was a bit too much.  <G>

Sometimes I feel as if I carry a neon sign over my head, proclaiming my
opinion of BJP et al.

> <serious mode> Probably not nearly as worried as you
> must be, 

Well, I am not so worried anymore. At least not since the end of March.
The decade before that, I was *pretty* worried. But ever since the
Gujarat pogrom happened [and I don't care what Modi and Advani say - it
was *exactly* that], I have started relaxing. Y'see, people seem to have
woken and realised a lot of what was happening. Now, the hindutva ideas
and policies are being challenged by a lot of people, through a lot of
forums, on a lot of different subjects. 
Another positive aspect of this is the fact that *now* when I voice my
concerns, I am not derided as an 'over-emotional, irrational,
It's a refreshing change, I tell you. :)
And a reassuring one.

> but - as has been noted on-list previously -
> the scare tactics being employed by the current
> administration to erode civil liberties (re: the
> Patriot Act), change health policy, and weaken
> environmental protections concern me.  The
> deliberately arrogant and aggressive stance toward
> much of the world concerns me; the unsubtle
> manipulation of public fears and facts angers me.

Yes, I can understand that.

> but adults need to be
> persuaded as to _why_ something is wrong; "because God
> said so" is not a sufficient answer.

Indeed. And besides, my major problem with that argument is that God
didn't say this to *me*. She might have said something to somebody,
centuries ago...but, really, how reliable is human memory? And how
reliable are human interpretations?

It makes more sense to rely on your own judgment, imho.

GCU Unexpected Holiday


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