I've added four planets from Dr. Brin's Uplift Universe to my web site,
the Multiverse Database  www.multiverse-db.com  I've added Garth, Jijo,
Kithrup, and Pila.  They are entry #s 91-94.  You can also do a search
where Universe=Uplift.  (There are still a few bugs in the search
routine but it works fairly well.)  I took some liberties with Garth and
created an image.   I'll swap it out when I find something official.  I
would like to get some data on planet position (1st, 2d, 3d from the
star etc).  I also need some population data for these planets.  Perhaps
this info is recorded in the Library?  :-)  Any assistance would be

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Alberto Monteiro
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: Startide Rising Timeline

William Taylor wrote:
>>> Their orbits may not have been exactly determined.
>> No - but this is where the Fun lies :-)
> Three moons can be fun....
Yep. I suspect any stable three-moon system would force
them to enter a Laplace resonance - which would simplify
the computations of their periods.

> I forget if both smaller moons are inside or outside of the bigger
The books don't have this information, they only mention that,
by apparent size, Loocen is bigger, followed by Torgen.

> With three moons the fun lies in if you're going to have any
> double transits or double partial occulations.
There is a strong evidence that Jijo's "month" starts with
a conjunction of Loocen and Torgen, however I can't
determine if the months uses just Loocen and Torgen, or
if the month uses the three moons in their repetitive

BTW, with the Laplace resonance the three moons would
_never_ be seen close in the sky. So, Jijoans could say
something like "when the three moons are full" or
"when the three moons rise" to signify "never" :-)

> Look up in the sky. It's a cosmic Mickey Mouse.
No, it's not - they can't be that close.

Alberto Monteiro



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