At 15:07 16-10-2002 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:

> > > OK, dumb question here. There have been several sightings; everyone
> > > in that corner of the world must know about Bigbird by now. So why
> > > are there no PICTURES? I would expect that by after the first one or
> > > two sightings, nobody would now leave their house without a camera --
> > > the first person to come up with pictures of Bigbird could make a
> > > nice sum of money, selling the pics to the media.
> >
> > We ae talking about Alaska here.  It's not like there are *that* many 
> people
> > up there per square mile!
>In that area, if I'm reading the maps I found on-line correctly, it's
>part of a region averaging less than 1 person per square mile

However, people are not evenly spread around an area; that is why it is 
called an average.

The article mentions two villages (Togiak and Manokotak); according to and, the 
population of Togiak is 762 and the population of Manokotak is 387. 
Certainly a number of those 1,149 people must own a photo camera or video 

Togiak has a population density of 16.9 people per square mile (based on 
land area; population density is 4.4 people per square mile if you include 
the 127 square miles of water). Manokotak has either 11.1 or 10.8 people 
per square mile.

Amazingly, a Google search returned 7,860 results for "Togiak" and 3,100 
results for "Manokotak". Not bad for two specks of dust on the map.   :-)

>(and sorry, Alberto, complain to the Bureau of Land Management, it's
>*their* map I'm going off of for that).

That is no excuse, Julia. You are intelligent enough to be able to make the 
conversion from "people per square mile" to "people per square 
kilometer"!   :-)

Jeroen "No excuses" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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