This has been going on for a few months, but it seems to be making headlines
again as the final vote draws near.

With all of the academic talent in Columbus, I am ashamed to admit that this
debate is even going on, but fortunately, it seems that reasonable heads

For those not familiar, the Creationist crowd is trying to have a law passed
so that Ohio schools will have to teach Creation as an alternative to
Evolution. I am ashamed that this is being seriously considered here :-(

Just for S&G, here are a couple of relevant links:

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
(outstanding article from Scientific American)

Evolution Advocates: Free Speech For Me, But Not for Thee
(very political and fanatical)

Ohio Citizens For Science
(the more reasonable scientific crowd)

  Gary L. Nunn
  Delaware Ohio

   "When there is no enemy within, the
    enemies outside cannot hurt you."
                  -African proverb


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