At 21:10 29-10-2002 -0500, John Giorgis wrote:

>My opinion on listmail is that if you don't like what somebody has to
>say, ignore it. People have a right to an opinion, fortunatly others
>have just as much right to ignore it. Use that right. Use filters, be it
>it just mere mental or state of the art electronical, you are equipped
>with them for a reason.

Thank you for your interesting, calm, and reasonable thoughts.

Unfortunately, the problem with your sentiments is that some people go
absolutely bazooka if you  simply  choose to let subjects drop that you no
longer care to pursue, let alone kill-file them, or ignore them.
Obviously, you have not been paying attention these last few weeks.

Ignoring someone or filtering out certain threads is one thing. Deciding to let a subject drop because you do not want to answer critical questions and do not want to back your claims (which is a very accurate description of your behaviour), is something entirely different.

Thus, it seems that a certain list-member's rejection of your above
sentiments - ie the rejection of the principle that one listmember has
the right to ignore another list-member - is the source of the current
angst among the rest of the listmembers.
You were not ignoring *me*, you were ignoring my questions and my requests for proof for your claims.

Jeroen "You're not getting away with it *that* easy" van Baardwijk

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