At 10:32 AM 11/2/2002 -0600 Julia Thompson wrote:
>No, this is a "kid" who just got back from volunteering at a Model UN
>conference, who has spent a lot of the past few years thinking about the
>UN, and who probably understands about 10 times as much about it as any
>of the rest of us here, yourself and myself included.  The analysis is
>not arrived at in a vacuum, but in the context of discussion with an
>awful lot of people who spend a fair amount of time thinking about and
>discussing these things.

Thank you.  Just to clarify:
  -I have 12 college credits in "United Nations Studies", 
  -Have been an extremely active participant in the "Model United Nations"
programs of the United States for 11 years now, which runs simulations of
the UN to better learn how the UN actually works and functions
 -In particular, I have organized educational programs for hundreds of high
school students and college students about the United Nations, particularly
over the past six years. 
  -Am the author of the 30 page section entitled "Europe and the United
Nations" in the United Nations Association of the United States (UNA-USA)
_Guide to Delegate Preparation_, published in August of 2002.

So thank you, Julia, for pointing out that I actually do know a bit about
what I am speaking thanks to the vast amount of reading, discussion, and
experience I have related to this topic.

John D. Giorgis         -               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
People everywhere want to say what they think; choose who will govern
them; worship as they please; educate their children -- male and female;
 own property; and enjoy the benefits of their labor. These values of 
freedom are right and true for every person,  in every society -- and the 
duty of protecting these values against their enemies is the common 
calling of freedom-loving people across the globe and across the ages.
                -US National Security Policy, 2002

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