Kevin Tarr wrote:
> Just wondering if there would be an age where you didn't take them to vote?

When they're learning in school about the political process and holding
mock elections for major races, and real ones for student offices, I'd

> Discounting the teenage years I'd assume. Would you worry about the kids
> saying "Daddy voted for a loser! Why didn't your candidate win daddy?" Not
> trying to be funny, seriously wondering.

The last time I was taken to voting, I was 7, and wouldn't have been
taken *then* except I was sick on election day and my mother couldn't
just leave me home while she went to vote.  Before that, probably age 4.

As far as voting for a loser goes -- my first experience voting, I came
out after voting and was greeted by a guy I *hadn't* voted for, and who
in fact went on to lose that evening.  That was pretty darned awkward. 
(Before I went in, I got involved in a bit of conversation with a
candidate who *did* go on to win, and who was apparently infamous for
greeting people in our town on election day.  My father, with whom I'd
gone to the polls that morning, reported at dinner that I'd saved a few
people from her.  My mother went later that day.  I walked to school
right afterwards, and I think got away from the loser with the excuse
that I was going to be late to class....  To make that one even worse,
he went to our church.  But he didn't really know me.)
> I don't remember ever going with my parents, they voted when I was in
> school. One voting place was in our K-6 school at the end of the building.
> We had a tour of the machine every year. We always had mock elections. In
> '76 I picked the Yankees and Ford
> Kevin T.
> They both lost.

I picked Ford, as well, or would have if we'd had mock elections.  I'd
been clueless during Watergate and was at an age where I felt that you
ought to vote for the guy who already had the job, and my parents
weren't bashing Ford the way my friend's mother was.  (The mother and
the stepfather voted for Carter.)


trying to remember which year the Sox lost the series around then, and
not wanting to dig up the Shaughnessey book that would have that info
right now, because Jeopardy! is on and she'd rather go watch that

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